Creative Spark
Higher Education
Enterprise Programme

Since Creative Spark launched in 2018, we’ve supported thousands of students, graduates and young entrepreneurs to break new ground with innovative business ideas.
Creative Spark aims to provide young people with the opportunity to strengthen their enterprise and English language skills, helping to tackle youth unemployment and supporting the development of the creative economy in countries where there’s great potential.
The British Council supports higher education and creative institutions to develop partnerships across Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and the UK.
In 12 months Creative Spark has…
- created 50 new partnerships between higher education institutions and creative organisations
- connected with nearly one-third of universities across the UK
- developed innovative resources to help 400,000 young entrepreneurs to design business ideas
- reached 3.6 million people
- provided 29,500 young people have participated in new face-to-face learning opportunities
- engaged with hard-to-reach people in remote area, with 37 per cent of activities taking place in remote areas.
In 2019, we joined forces with London Metropolitan University to run the British Council’s largest video pitch competition – the Creative Spark Big Idea Challenge.
Scroll down to learn about the winning ideas...
Project: GreenDom
Working with young disabled people to improve employability

Country: Armenia
Category: Social impact
GreenDom is a greenhouse where children with disabilities receive occupational therapy by planting and growing plants.
This will give them skills and knowledge to start their own small enterprises.
How did the Creative Spark programme support you?
'Apart from financial support from the programme, we also had the chance to attend the London Met Accelerator and meet wonderful professionals.
They gave us their full support, knowledge and experience across three intensive days. This support will continue in a virtual space and ensure we make the most out of our prize and turn our project ideas into a reality – in the best way possible.
But most of all, Creative Spark gave us the opportunity and inspiration to execute an idea that will changes people’s lives.'
Institution: Yerevan State University of Languages and Social Sciences

Azganush Mnatsakanyan, 22 years old
Azganush Mnatsakanyan, 22 years old

Hrag Markarian, 22 years old
Hrag Markarian, 22 years old

Emma Grigoryan, 23 years old
Emma Grigoryan, 23 years old
Project: Boom filter and tank
A filter tank to reuse rainwater collected underground in homes

Country: Azerbaijan
Category: Social impact
Two billion of litres of drinking water is wasted worldwide every year per day.
This filter tank will reuse collected rain water for a variety of purposes and tackle the huge issue of water wastage on the environment.
How did the Creative Spark programme support you?
'The workshops held in our university helped me learn how to set up, plan, and execute a successful business plan.
It also taught me how to apply different methods to my work and think like an entrepreneur.
Creative Spark played a big role at every stage.'
Institution: Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction

Sevan Mohamadpour, 21 years old
Sevan Mohamadpour, 21 years old
Project: Sapo
Natural, handmade, toy-shaped soaps to encourage children to wash their hands and prevent the spread of diseases.

Country: Georgia
Category: Creative
Natural handmade, toy-shaped soaps with adventure books to encourage and make it easier to teach children to wash their hands.
How did the Creative Spark programme support you?
‘I gained more confidence, learnt how to attract new customers and position our products in the competitive market.’
Naili Vakhania
‘Before Creative Spark, I was focused solely on the process of making our products, but through trainings delivered by the programme it helped me to think bigger.’
Tengo Kavkasidze
Institution: Business Technology University

Tengiz Kavkasidze, 25 years old
Tengiz Kavkasidze, 25 years old

Naili Vakhania, 28 years old
Naili Vakhania, 28 years old
Project: Dalatunes
Connecting listeners with rare Kazakhstani music and encouraging them to create their own

Country: Kazakhstan
Category: Social impact
Dalatunes is a music project that includes several areas: a mobile application, a website, a music school and a recording studio.
It aims to acquaint listeners with rare Kazakhstani content and educate everyone who wants to be closer to the music and create it on their own.
How did the Creative Spark programme support you?
‘We gained new knowledge and tools for solving our business ideas. We learned how to conduct market research, which allowed us to come to the understanding that we can expand the boundaries of the project from the local market to Central Asia.
During our study visit to London, we got advice from professionals and business trainers, and networked with interesting people. This gave us motivation for personal growth and development.’

Rashida Tylivaldiyeva, 34 years old
Rashida Tylivaldiyeva, 34 years old

Galiyev Seilkhan, 25 years old
Galiyev Seilkhan, 25 years old

Saitova Kamilya, 29 years old
Saitova Kamilya, 29 years old
Project : Oinobook
Interactive books for preschool children to aid the development of motor skills

Country: Kyrgyzstan
Category: Creative
There aren't many felt books in Kyrgyzstan that are produced to help with the development of motor skills for children.
The interactive books we created aim to preserve the culture and tradition of Kyrgyz people, whilst helping preschool children learn.
How did the Creative Spark programme support you?
‘Participation gave me confidence, knowledge and helped me to build a clear business plan. I learned how to execute my idea step-by-step.
Before I was involved in Creative Spark I had a vague understanding of business, and now I have a detailed plan of concrete actions!’
Institution: American University of Central Asia/ENACTUS Kyrgyzstan – City University of London.

Aizada Tynybekova 34 years old
Aizada Tynybekova 34 years old
Project: PiPillow
A pillow with functionality to enable a perfect sleep

Country: Ukraine
Category: Digital and grand champion
The PiPillow is a revolutionary product that solves a lot of problems that have been left untouched.
This is a device that combines all the functions that are necessary for perfect sleep: from listening to music to tracking sleep phases and helping people with sleep Apnea.
How did the Creative Spark programme support you?
'Creative Spark has not only refined our idea, prototype and pitching skills but also helped us to understand what our product lacks from the perspective of the end-user.
“Enjoy every minute of your sleep” is our belief and a goal that we will achieve.'
Institution: Tech startup school, Lviv

Sasha Shymanko (22), Andrii Zhydenko (23), Serhii Dmytrenok (22)
Sasha Shymanko (22), Andrii Zhydenko (23), Serhii Dmytrenok (22)
Project: Recyled textile waste
Tackling environmental pollution by recycling text waste to create eco-products

Country: Ukraine `
Category: International Public Vote Winner and social impact
Textile waste averages seven per cent of all waste in Ukraine, with ninety-five per cent of this ending up in landfills and a main source of pollution.
The creation of new products and sewing workshops will encourage upcycling, and provide education and employment opportunities for the unemployed and most vulnerable in society.
The long-term ambition is to start a company that can provide a full-cycle technological process from collecting and recycling textile waste, to the creation of recyclable designer eco-products.
'Creative Spark provided me with a range of skills that were necessary to make my idea happen, as well as providing me with practical experience.'
Institution: Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

Tamara Ustenjko, 19 years old
Tamara Ustenjko, 19 years old
Project title: Business glossary
An online English-Uzbek and Uzbek-English business glossary and dictionary

Country: Uzbekistan
Category: Digital technology
This is an online English-Uzbek and Uzbek-English business glossary and dictionary.
Translation is made by professors, teachers and specialists affiliated with higher education institutions in Uzbekistan.
How did the Creative Spark programme support you?'
‘As a student in the field of business, I am aware that many students, academics and business enterprises face difficulties when it comes to understanding business terminologies when it comes to English to Uzbek language.
Creative Spark was the best opportunity to gain funding, support and turn our idea into something that can be used by many users in the future.’
Institution: Scientific and Practical Centre for the implementation of Innovative Developments

Miraziz Khaydarov, 27 years old
Miraziz Khaydarov, 27 years old

Abbos Utkirov, 30 years old
Abbos Utkirov, 30 years old

Kirill Zlobin, 30 years old
Kirill Zlobin, 30 years old
If you would like more information about how you can partner with us, please contact the Creative Spark team.
You can also learn more about the programme and future activities by visiting the Creative Spark website.