We are lead partner on Live Skills, an ambitious European project aimed at tackling skills gaps in live and performance sectors. Working with nine partners across four countries, the programme aims to prepare industry ready professionals, opening up new pathways to the sector.
The programme will pilot three new curricula:
- Digital skills and new technologies
- Arts management
- Entrepreneurship
Cultural and creative industries play a significant role in smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in European regions and cities. They are resilient and agile with an innovative approach to business that contibutes to growth and job creation.
The sector is changing rapidly, affected by the economic situation in Europe, shifts in employment patterns and new developments in tech and digital. Our initial research identified a number of skills gaps amongst creative professionals that are crucial in addressing these challenges, to ensure its future innovation, growth and robustness.
Live Skills is funded by the Erasmus+ (SSA) Programme, including nine partners from four countries (Greece, Romania, Bulgaria and the UK). This project will develop new curricula within these areas which will be adapted and piloted in each country.