Wednesday 12 September 2018 -
10:00 to 11:00

This webinar will provide details on the Creative Spark Partnership Fund applications and provide responses to the questions about the funding.

About the programme

Creative Spark: Higher Education Enterprise Programme is a new initiative to support international university and institutional partnerships to develop enterprise skills and creative economy across seven countries in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan), South Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia) and Ukraine through UK support.

The programme has been developed in response to an underdeveloped creative sector and a skills gap in these countries.  

Creative Spark will fund 22 international partnerships between higher education institutions and creative institutions in the UK and seven countries with primary beneficiaries of university students, graduates and young entrepreneurs.

Each partnership will be granted a maximum of £50,000.

The webinar will provide details on the application process.


UK HEIs interested in submitting an application

How to register

No registration needed.

Please note that the webinar will take place on Wednesday 12 September 2018 10.00 - 11.00 (United Kingdom BST).

To access the webinar please use this link:

Instructions on how to join a zoom meeting.


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