
Mat Wright

Wednesday 27 February 2019 -
15:00 to 17:00
Houses of Parliament

A roundtable evidence session on “The UK’s future in Europe: what role does Higher Education and Research play?”, hosted by John Baron MP and the British Council All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG).

As the UK considers its place in the world post-referendum, the British Council APPG are conducting an inquiry into on the role of education and culture in the UK’s future bilateral relations with the countries of Europe. 

This roundtable forms part of the inquiry and will gather policymakers and sector experts from the UK and Europe to give evidence to the inquiry. We are also accepting written evidence from those that cannot attend face to face.

The resulting report will cover HE and research, the Arts and Creative Industries, English Language Teaching, and Primary and Secondary Education. The recommendations will be shared with policymakers and the relevant sectors.

Keynote speakers

Maddalaine Ansell, Director Education Policy Unit, British Council


If you have expertise in the role of Higher Education and Research in promoting bilateral ties with Europe, please do get in touch. If you’re unable to attend the session, we are accepting written submissions. Please see our website for details https://appg.britishcouncil.org/submissions 


Places are limited so please email emma.skelton@britishcouncil.org with any access or dietary requirements you may have to secure your place. 

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