More than 1,300 delegates attended Going Global 2015 in London at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre on Monday 1 and Tuesday 2 June 2015.
Over seventy countries were represented at the conference, including 130 university presidents, vice-chancellors, pro vice-chancellors, and government ministers.
See also the key moments from each day, including key moments and quotes:
Highlights from day one - Monday 1 June 2015
Highlights from day two - Tuesday 2 June 2015
Conference Theme
Connecting cultures, forging futures
We propose the fusion of diverse cultures generates a creative force, which is a major catalyst of leading edge innovation. Investment in the connection of these cultures produces a tangible return and measurable impact for the future.
Going Global 2015 explored this through three perspectives:
- Academic discipline and subject cultures: including the impact of multi-disciplinary teams from various fields of study; as well as different cultures of research, teaching and skills development.
- Organisational cultures - particularly those of higher education institutions; business; skills providers; NGOs and social enterprises.
- National, regional and local cultures and the extent to which connecting people and ideas across these cultures generates a creative force leading to innovation.
Together we explored how networks of innovation evolve and grow when cultures cut across boundaries, looking at the role higher education institutions play globally in connecting cultures, as well as anchoring and sustaining networks of innovation.