Enterprise Africa Summit

From March 21-23, the British Council hosted the Enterprise Africa Summit in Accra, Ghana. The theme of the three-day event was “Investing in Africa’s future”. The summit brought together 92 speakers from 23 countries including academics, policy-makers, the private sector, international development partners and entrepreneurs to explore the role of entrepreneurship in building sustainable, resilient economies in Africa. Over 500 people attended the event and a further 64.5 million were reached on Twitter. 

The summit featured 30 sessions, including 12 enterprise clinics, 8 master classes and 6 policy forums. Topics included: Africa’s competitiveness in the global digital space, building on Africa’s creative arts economy for a global market, transformational entrepreneurship education and policy-making for impactful African enterprises. 

Ten entrepreneurs pitched their business ideas at a Dragons Den-style event. They will receive ongoing support from TEDx Accra and Hatch Africa to further develop their businesses. 

“What motivated me to come to the Enterprise Summit was the spirit of the people… and the opportunities to share the many business experiences from Europe and embed them within the vibrant culture in Africa.” Tim Campbell, CEO, Bright Ideas Trust

Click here to hear more from Tim Campbell and learn more about his impressions of the event. 

To learn more about the summit, read here.