If you would like to request information, then please provide your personal details and submit the form below.
You may also send your information request by e-mail to IGDisclosures@britishcouncil.org or by writing to the following address:
Information Governance Advisor (Disclosures)
Information Governance and Risk Management Team
The British Council
Bridgewater House
58 Whitworth Street
Manchester M1 6BB
Please note the following:
- We cannot provide you with the information you require unless you provide your details and an adequate description of the information you seek. Please provide us with a description of the information you would like us to provide you with. If your request relates to specific document(s), please provide any details of the document you may have (e.g. date of production, author, etc.) and its likely location (e.g. the relevant staff member, office or department).
- You do not have to provide us with your telephone number but we may need to contact you to ask you about your request or clarify what you are looking for. If you would be happy to be contacted by telephone, please provide your telephone contact details.
* indicates required information.