
Katenga Entertainment – Kenya

Clients Department for International Development (DFID)
Value €2.7 million
2008 to 2014
Country Nigeria

Through the Education Sector Support Programme in Nigeria we support Nigeria’s government and schools to deliver improved basic education. Bringing together national, state and local governments and civil society organisations, the programme focuses on governance and management, community and learner participation and school quality. 

We deliver initiatives to improve education within the states of Kaduna and Jigawa, as part of a wider programme managed by Cambridge Education across Nigeria. 

School-Based Management Committees 

School-Based Management Committees have been established in Kaduna and Jigawa to hold local government to account on key community concerns, such as teacher absenteeism and poor-quality building work. Made up of community members trained by civil society organisations, the committees are creating stronger links between civil society and government on school improvement issues and are achieving success in advocating on girls’ attendance and improved facilities.

Islamic education

The Ministry of Education’s goal to improve the quality of teaching and learning in independent Islamic schools in northern Nigeria is being supported. Through a pilot model in Kaduna state, basic literacy and numeracy has been incorporated in over 300 Islamic schools. Using the approach of training local volunteer teachers who are already known in the community, the model has gained acceptance from religious bodies and is now being implemented in other areas. 

State School Improvement Teams

A pilot, 24-strong State School Improvement Team has been established in Kaduna to train Local Government Education Area school-services staff in providing better support to the state’s primary schools. The model is now being implemented by all Local Government Education Areas across Kaduna.


There has been remarkable improvement in attendance and punctuality on the part of teachers and pupils, because of the child-centred learning methods we have been introduced to.

Christiana Allahmagani, head teacher at Sabon Gari School in Kaduna, Nigeria
