Gender in Nigeria report - A Nigerian woman in a street market

Nick Cavanagh

Clients Department for International Development (DFID)
Country Nigeria

Our study Gender in Nigeria Report 2012: Improving the lives of girls and women in Nigeria presented an evidence base on the status of women and adolescent girls in the country. It was developed to influence key decision makers and policy makers in the federal and state governments and the National Assembly, as well as religious leaders, the banking sector, the private sector and civil society.

Influencing change

The report is helping development partners design appropriate programmes to address the significant challenge of gender equality and female empowerment, especially in northern Nigeria. The ultimate goal of the project is to bring about changes in policies and attitudes that result in more equitable outcomes for girls and women in Nigeria.


'No doubt women are Nigeria’s hidden resource. Investing in women and girls now will increase productivity in this generation and will promote sustainable growth, peace and better health for the next generation.'

Forward from Gender in Nigeria Report 2012: Improving the lives of girls and women in Nigeria