British Council Role of Women in Economic Life - row of women in a lecture theatre

British Council

Clients European Union
Value €1.78 million
2006 to 2009
Country Multiple

In partnership with the Mediterranean Institute of gender studies, we delivered the EUROMED programme The Role of Women in Economic Life. Through this programme we helped to enhance the role and involvement of Mediterranean public government and non-governmental institutions in facilitating and expanding opportunities for women’s economic participation and empowerment.

In support of regional non-governmental organisation consortiums that received European Commission grants to implement projects to enhance opportunities for women in economic life, we worked across three project components:

  • monitoring the enhancing opportunities for women in economic life projects and providing technical assistance
  • carrying out a study on gender mainstreaming policies in Mediterranean countries and creating a database to capture the results
  • raising awareness of the programme and its results in support of gender mainstreaming.

Programme coverage

A total of ten countries were involved across the region: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Territories, Syria, Turkey and Tunisia.

Seven non-governmental organisations across the region were managing were delivering project grants worth over €2.5 million.

Communicating the results

The programme's results were disseminated through a range of communication channels: 

  • the widely-distributed EUROMED Women’s Rights quarterly newsletter
  • the programme website
  • meetings arranged by partner organisations
  • technical workshops 
  • regional seminars.

These methods both promoted study results and encouraged the formation of policy and legal recommendations.