Through the Teacher Performance and Integrity in Kenya Programme we support the Teachers Service Commission to address concerns about teachers in Kenyan schools, particularly chronic absenteeism, discipline and performance appraisal.
The project team works to raise awareness of, and encourage compliance with, the Teachers Service Commission’s Code of Regulations and Ethics by supporting revisions to the code, distribution of the code to schools and evaluation of the use and impact of the code on disciplinary cases.
Teacher performance and appraisal
Staff from the Teachers Service Commission headquarters and in six pilot counties are being trained to support school-based teacher performance management. A teacher appraisal and development system (TAD) is being introduced in the pilot counties, and headteachers and members of school boards of management are being trained in using the system.
Sustainable outcomes
Over the duration of the programme, 40 per cent of schools, teachers and students in the six pilot counties will be included and around 150 Teachers Service Commission staff and 150 members of school boards of management will be trained. The pilot TAD system will also be evaluated and a strategy will be developed to expand the system beyond the pilot counties.
'The Teachers Service Commission of Kenya is aware of the challenge regarding standards in teaching and is taking a bold step to address this through the Teacher Appraisal and Development system.’
Teacher participant, training of trainers workshop, Kenya