Deep listening as an approach to tackle polarisation
Essay exploring deep listening – an approach that prepares individuals for encounters across any divides they find within their communities.
Essay exploring deep listening – an approach that prepares individuals for encounters across any divides they find within their communities.
Essay exploring the history of educational co-operation between the UK and South Africa.
Essay exploring the link between sports and diplomacy.
Essay considering the role of the cultural relations organisation in bridging the local and the global in the context of peacebuilding.
Essay highlighting how the process of empowering disabled people can contribute to more equitable and peaceful societies.
Research report: we explore soft power and cultural relations policies, approaches and institutions in 13 countries and the EU.
Research report: a literature review and short report exploring how the digital shift is affecting international cultural relations, and where future research on this topic needs to focus.
The arts have a significant role to play in helping us address climate change. We look at the role that cultural policy has in helping us develop and envisage a more sustainable world.
The UK is one of 193 UN member states committed to achieving 17 SDGs by 2030. What role is the British Council playing in contributing to sustainable development through cultural relations?
A report on the impact of the British Council's international disability arts work by Tim Wheeler. Includes discussion of current issues, case studies and resources.