
Mat Wright

As part of our commitment to collaboration and knowledge exchange, the British Council is looking to pilot a research and insight podcast. This series (6-12 episodes) will bring together British Council experts, as well as global researchers and practitioners in the fields of interantional development and cultural relations. 

We are seeking a supplier to:

  • In collaboration with the British Council, develop the podcast concept, strategy, identity, and plan of work, ensuring that the podcast pilot aligns with audience behaviour and best practice.
  • Oversee and support the preparation for recordings – including formulate the script and structure for all episodes of the pilot, provide coaching on best practice for the podcast host(s), and brief guests for technical quality (episode research and guest recruitment will be handled by the British Council).
  • Provide and set up the recording equipment, and direct and monitor the recording sessions to assure high technical quality for each episode.
  • Edit, mix, and master the recordings to a high professional standard of audio quality.
  • Set up the podcast channel, distribute it across all major podcast platforms, and provide access to analytics and audience insights.
  • Provide promotional advice and strategy.

The above is a summary of our minimum requirements – however, we are open to additional services that can improve podcast design, quality, and reach (subject to these being deliverable within our timeframes and falling within our maximum budget).

Key dates

Activity  Time and Date

RFP Issued to bidding suppliers

7 December 2023

Deadline for clarification questions (Clarification Deadline) 

14:00 (GMT)
15 December 2023

British Council to respond to clarification questions

19 December 2023

Deadline for submission of Proposals by potential suppliers (Response Deadline

14:00 (GMT)
8 January 2024

Final Decision

12 January 2024

Contract start date

16 January 2024

Project end date

31 December 2024

How to apply

Full details including project requirements, budget, evaluation criteria, and instructions for responding can be found within the tender opportunity advertised via the In-Tend Portal.  

If you are interested in bidding for this tender, please log in at https://in-tendhost.co.uk/britishcouncil, register your company details, and then follow the steps below.

If your company is already registered, please log in and follow the steps below.

From the home screen:

  1. Log in.
  2. Click on Tenders.
  3. Click on Current Tenders.
  4. In the search field, input the tender reference number BC/03265 or the tender name [UK_220_British Council Research and Insight Podcast - Podcast Production] and press Enter.
  5. Click on View Details.
  6. Click on Express Interest.

You will then have access to the documents.

We look forward to hearing from you.