Harnessing the voices of young people, forging partnerships and collecting research, how the British Council supports the GPE Global Education Summit

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Language Trends England 2021
Research series: the Language Trends 2021 report surveyed teachers at more than 1500 primary, secondary and independent schools across England.

International higher education partnerships and the Sustainable Development Goals
How can international higher education partnerships tackle urgent global challenges?

COVID-19’s impact on the arts sector in China
In the first in a series of articles charting how different countries have responded to the crisis we turn to China's arts sector.

Accelerating Women's Employability Through Social Entrepreneurship: The case of Mombasa, Kenya
Report providing insights on barriers and enablers required to thrive within the social enterprise sector.

Being present: the role of culture in future UK-Italy bilateral priorities
As the UK embarks on a new chapter in its relationship with Italy, Rachel Launay Director Italy and Jill Morris British Ambassador to Italy and San Marino discuss future bilateral priorities