Taxi and Bus in the heart of London
October 2020

Influence and the Integrated Review

Policy brief: introduction to the 'Influence and the Integrated Review: Opportunities for Britain’s Global Vision' report by the Chairman of the British Council APPG.

  • Cultural relations
  • Soft power
  • United Kingdom
  • Policy brief
Picture of a globe
December 2017

Building young people's resilience to violent extremism

Policy brief: this document emphasises the importance of addressing the underlying economic, social and civic factors that can push young people towards radicalisation.

  • Peace and security
  • Middle East and Africa
  • Policy brief
Person standing reading a book
November 2015

Immunising the mind

How can education reform contribute to neutralising violent extremism?

  • Education
  • Schools and teachers
  • Peace and security
  • Middle East and Africa
  • Policy brief
the royal mile, Edinburgh
August 2014

Culture matters

Why culture should be at the heart of future public policy.

  • Arts and culture
  • Cultural relations
  • Policy brief
August 2013

The English effect

The impact of English, what it’s worth to the UK and why it matters to the world.

  • English
  • Policy brief

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