A report on the impact of the British Council's international disability arts work by Tim Wheeler. Includes discussion of current issues, case studies and resources.

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Soft power and a cultural relations approach to cultural heritage protection
Cultural heritage protection is a route to powerful and effective cultural relations by bringing partners together to protect, nurture, dignify and celebrate the source of identified value.

The DICE Research and Development Fund - International Digital Cultural Relations
Research report: study looking into what International Digital Cultural Relations can look like based on the experiences of 20 digital partnerships across six countries.

British Council’s Global Perceptions Survey 2021
The Global Perceptions 2021 mini-report gauged the perception of the UK and other leading nations among young people in 20 countries.

Brand Britain Wins
Once again the UK tops the charts in its attractiveness to young people polled across the G20 countries.

8000 and rising: youth voices on climate action
New research has captured the views and experiences of climate change of over 8,000 young people across 23 countries. More needs to be done to bring these diverse voices into dialogue.