A new report from the British Council outlines how the promotion of cultural relations can enhance opportunities to build greater peace and stability in fragile contexts.

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A decade of opportunity for an ambitious Global Britain
New report from the British Council APPG calls for an ambitious, sophisticated and well-funded soft power strategy to support UK trade, diplomacy and leadership over the next decade.

Introducing Scott McDonald, new Chief Executive of the British Council
It’s a real pleasure to introduce this latest edition of Insight, and to introduce myself as I take up my post as the British Council’s new Chief Executive.

Sub-Saharan Africa education series
Research series looking at what the evidence tells us about girls’ education in Africa.

Culture, climate change and co-operation in a networked world
As the UK prepares to host COP26, new research and events show how soft power can help foster dialogue and agreement on climate change.

Building resilient bilateral relations for a more competitive world
New research highlights the unique role that cultural relations plays in maintaining dialogue and co-operation between nations during challenging times.