The Global Perceptions 2018 report offers insight into how the attitudes of young people to the G20 nations shift over time.

The Global Perceptions 2018 report offers insight into how the attitudes of young people to the G20 nations shift over time.
Aspiring young policymakers see the leadership examples of Barack Obama and Nelson Mandela as the kind they most admire, and are most concerned about access to education.
As violent conflict continues to afflict many parts of the world, the British Council marks the International Day of Peace by launching new research on global attitudes to conflict.
September 2018: This report discusses the results of the Peace Perceptions poll, taken from over 100,000 people in 15 countries.
Research series: Diba Salem looks at Dubai, its architecture and what is ‘public’ in the middle east.
September 2018: Dave Haslam examines how music venues provide spaces for new encounters.