Section of front cover of 'A World of Experience'
December 2015

A world of experience

Research report: how international experiences make an impact and why it matters to individuals, employers and wider society.

  • Education
  • Higher education
  • Language learning
  • Skills and employability
  • Research report
November 2015

India and the UK: A 2050 vision

A new report suggests great opportunities for India and the UK from forging a closer partnership, starting with culture and education. But evidence suggests the UK will have to up its game.

  • Cultural relations
  • South Asia and Asia Pacific
  • United Kingdom
  • Insight article
Portrait of Winston Churchill
November 2015

Churchill, culture and soft power

50 years after his death, a report examines the lessons that tomorrow's world leaders can learn from a statesman who understood the power of persuasion.

  • Soft power
  • United Kingdom
  • Insight article
Photograph of two people sitting on a sofa chatting
November 2015

The value of dialogue

A collection of essays and personal reflections.

  • Cultural relations
  • Peace and security
  • Trust and dialogue
  • Essay
Person standing reading a book
November 2015

Immunising the mind

How can education reform contribute to neutralising violent extremism?

  • Education
  • Schools and teachers
  • Peace and security
  • Middle East and Africa
  • Policy brief
Rugby ball foreground, with Tower Bridge behind
October 2015

Playing the game: the soft power of sport

Following the summer’s Ashes triumph and with the UK hosting the Rugby World Cup, we look at how sport can help further the UK’s international influence.

  • Soft power
  • United Kingdom
  • Insight article

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