This report gives voice to 1,800 young people in Pakistan and allows their stories to be told. Responsibly depicting the roots, causes and effects of conflict in Pakistan in a single piece of research was extremely challenging. 

The Next Generation Pakistan research series brings the opinions and perspectives of young people in Pakistan to the forefront of policy debates. It is directed by an eminent task force comprising leading Pakistanis in the fields of academia, industry, journalism, media, civil society and the public sector.

The reports provide policymakers, opinion makers, stakeholders and political leaders with an insight into the potential these young people possess. Most importantly, they recommend ways of harnessing the energies of the next generation to realise the demographic opportunity Pakistan currently enjoys owing to its young population.

About Next Generation

Next Generation is a series of global British Council research focusing on the attitudes and aspirations of young people, and the policies and conditions that support them in becoming creative, fulfilled and active citizens. 

The research projects examine young people’s views around education, employment and lifestyle, as well as uncovering their hopes and fears for their country, their degree of international engagement and views on the wider world, and the values and beliefs that affect their lives. 

In countries where we have conducted multiple Next Generation reports, the first acts as a benchmark, with later research taking a deep dive into a given area, such as democratic engagement or experience of conflict.