This event took place on Thursday 8 July 2021. The recording is now available on this page.
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About the webinar
The Language Trends Survey 2021 is an annual report by the British Council started in 2002 which charts the health of language teaching in schools in England.
This year’s research is based on an online survey completed between early March to mid-April by teachers from primary schools and secondary schools.
This event explored the findings of the report. Read the full report here.
Please note this research is based on schools in England only.
About the panel
This was a panel event, with a presentation from the report Author and speakers from the MFL sector, followed by questions from the audience.
Dr Ian Collen is Senior Lecturer in Modern Languages Education (PGCE) at Queen’s University Belfast, where he is also Director of the Northern Ireland Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research (NICILT). He is the current lead researcher on the British Council’s Language Trends series in England, Northern Ireland and Wales. A passionate advocate of language learning and schools’ international engagement, Ian was previously a school teacher of French and German.
Helen Myers teaches MFL at The Ashcombe School in Dorking, Surrey (a Language College since 1998). She is also the Association for Language Learning (ALL) London Branch Chair, a former President of ALL and currently on the ALL Management Board. Through her work at The Ashcombe School and ALL, Helen has helped many teachers across the country in their use of ICT in the teaching of languages, and provided constant support to language teachers through moderating forums and resource websites. She combines senior management experience and a national perspective with the realities of teaching across the age and ability range, including AL and GCSE exam classes. You can follow Helen on Twitter here.
Baroness Jean Coussins is co-chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Modern Languages (APPG MFL). You can follow APPG MFL on Twitter here.
Michael Wardle is Her Majesty's Inspector in the North East, Yorkshire and Humber for OFSTED and subject lead for languages. You can follow him on Twitter here.
Suzanne O’Farrell is an MFL Consultant with the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL). You can follow her on Twitter here.
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