Our Shared Past - Remembering the First World War

This cross-curricular resource pack, is designed to support and enhance a globalised approach to teaching and learning with a focus on how people remember and commemorate the First World War at local, national and global levels in countries around the world.

It builds on the legacy of Our Shared Past, developed by the British Council and Social Science Research Centre, (SSRC) as well as the Global Voices of War and the Football Remembers Christmas Truce project.

The materials help teachers to encourage their pupils to investigate historical memory through a series of enquiry questions and compare and contrast their findings with those from other schools overseas by uploading their research onto a shared space.

The resources are aimed at upper primary and lower secondary pupils and are designed to enhance their knowledge and understanding of this period of history, help them to gain an international outlook and develop the skills they will need in an increasingly inter – connected global society.

(Image - 'Poppies' © Risteski Goce/Shutterstock)