This resource from the British Council and The Council for Arab-British Understanding (Caabu) will help you explore the impact of stereotypes and islamophobia with your class.

A stereotype is a widely held and simplified idea or belief that people have about a thing or group that is based upon how they look on the outside, which may be untrue or only partly true. Negative stereotypes are particularly harmful when positive images of that group are absent.

This resource will help teachers explore the Arab world with students aged 11 -16, providing accurate information and challenging misconceptions, raising critical questions and informing debate. 

Learning objectives:

  • To understand what is meant by stereotypes.
  • To explore the influence of film and media stories.
  • To understand the value of looking beyond stereotypes and generalisations and the need for mutual respect and understanding.

About the Learning About the Arab World Education Packs

The Arab world is a fascinating, diverse region stretching from south-west Asia to north-west Africa. It has an immensely rich culture and history but it is often misperceived, giving rise to inaccuracies and stereotypes.

Tackling prejudice and combatting confusion is central to the work of the Council for Arab-British Understanding (Caabu). 

It contains two sections: Learning About the Arab World and Stereotypes and Islamophobia. 

Each part has background information for teachers, a slideshow with detailed notes, questions for students to think and talk about and classroom activities.