We offer the following services in all countries across Wider Europe:

  • Agent training
  • Showcasing UK capability: ELTons (annual awards celebrating and supporting innovation and best practice in the ELT sector), ELTRAs (English Language Testing Research Awards), etc.
  • Content on British Council websites aimed at ELT teachers, learners and policy makers

We also offer the following additional services: 


Exams distribution on behalf of UK awarding bodies


Exams distribution on behalf of UK awarding bodies


Services for UK education providers (HE, FE, ELT and independent schools):

  • Data mining and interactive tools
  • Market news and education opportunities
  • Exams distribution on behalf of UK awarding bodies

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Exams distribution on behalf of UK awarding bodies


Exams distribution on behalf of UK awarding bodies


Services for UK education providers (HE, FE, ELT and independent schools):

  • Data mining and interactive tools
  • Exams distribution on behalf of UK awarding bodies


Services for UK education providers (HE, FE, ELT and independent schools):

  • Country reports
  • Data mining and interactive tools
  • Market news and education opportunities
  • Exams distribution on behalf of UK awarding bodies


Exams distribution on behalf of UK awarding bodies

North Macedonia

Exams distribution on behalf of UK awarding bodies


Services for UK education providers (HE, FE, ELT and independent schools):

  • Country reports
  • Data mining and interactive tools
  • Market news and education opportunities


Exams distribution on behalf of UK awarding bodies


Services for UK education providers (HE, FE, ELT and independent schools):

  • Country reports
  • Student insights reports (based on surveys of students considering the UK)
  • Data mining and interactive tools
  • Market news and education opportunities
  • Exams distribution on behalf of UK awarding bodies


Services for UK education providers (HE, FE, ELT and independent schools):

  • Data mining and interactive tools
  • Market news and education opportunities
  • Exams distribution on behalf of UK awarding bodies


Exams distribution on behalf of UK awarding bodies