This mapping study provides an overview of the visual arts sector in nine countries within Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). These are Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa (SA), Sudan, Uganda and Zimbabwe. The report identifies emerging visual arts trends, opportunities and innovative solutions within each of these countries. We hope the report will be useful in informing renewed approaches for collaboration, funding models and programme initiatives.

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Key findings

Greater commercial representation
All countries have greater commercial representation of contemporary art from their context, for some countries this is across a wide range of galleries and fairs, but for most it is isolated to one or two key commercial galleries.

Visual arts ecosystem is collaborative and supportive
To a greater or lesser degree practitioners of the visual arts are collaborating, especially through independent art spaces and projects, to create social infrastructures for the visual arts. In many contexts, artists who are relatively successful on the international stage are returning home to develop new projects and art spaces. These spaces need institution building and people with expertise to enable their sustainability.

Local structures remain precarious
Local infrastructures are educating, supporting and building African visual artists that then go on to be successful internationally. However, the visual arts remain precarious and fluctuating, without the strength to actively capitalise on the growth and development of the international interest in African visual art. 

Audiences are growing
Young people are increasingly interested in the visual arts, regardless of their areas of profession, and are a potential growing audience for the arts.


  • Growing arts ecosystems and enabling exchange and connection.
  • Connect with individuals and initiatives.
  • Connect with young inquisitive audiences to enable a growing African audience for art.
  • Invest in Africa – Africa connections to strengthen African visual arts ecosystems.
  • Global partnerships have potential and value. These need to be strategic and built over time.