Language teacher in classroom with pupils

Mat Wright

Applications for the 2025-26 academic year will open again in May 2025.

Get paid to train as a language teacher in England

Are you ready to inspire future generations of linguists with your passion for languages? And to begin a rewarding career as a Modern Foreign Languages teacher? The British Council is awarding scholarships, continuing professional development support and £28,000 of funding to talented individuals.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible to apply you must have: 

  • a 2:1, or predicted 2:1 in a Bachelor of Honours degree (or equivalent) 
  • or a relevant PhD or Master's degree, or recognised equivalent.

In one of the following languages:

  • French
  • German
  • Spanish

We may also consider your application if you have a bachelor of honours degree (or equivalent) in another subject, or a 2.2 (or predicted 2.2) if you can demonstrate significant knowledge of the target languages. 

You must also have secured a place on an eligible non-salaried languages teacher training scheme in England for the 2025/26 academic year by September 2025.  

How to apply

Applications for the 2025-26 academic year will open again in May 2025. If you have any questions, please check the FAQs here.

Please note that the British Council is not an ITT provider and receiving the British Council scholarship does not secure you a place with a teacher training provider. It is your responsibility to secure a training place on an eligible course before or after your application. You can search all available courses in England using the teacher training database, but note that only non-salaried courses leading to QTS are compatible with the British Council scholarship.

Attention international candidates:

The Department of Education has made changes to the eligibility requirements for the International Relocation Payments (IRP). These changes mean that trainees due to start their training courses in the 2025/26 academic year will no longer be eligible to receive the IRP. The eligibility requirements for the scholarship are not affected by this. Please contact your ITT provider for further details of when financial support you are eligible to receive.

See also