Vietnamese female student in the foreground working on a laptop wearing a headset and microphone. Other students sitting at desks are in the background and out of focus.

This opportunity is now closed. The information below is for reference purposes only.


The British Council is inviting applications for innovative and collaborative approaches that explore more inclusive and accessible approaches to the provision of English language teaching and learning in Vietnam, particularly through digital and education technology.

About this opportunity

The Digital Learning Innovation Fund is a pilot fund designed to encourage partnerships between the UK and Vietnam that generate new research, insight and/or innovations to support Vietnam’s National Foreign Languages Project (NFLP) with the aim of improving the teaching and learning of English in Vietnam by 2025, and beyond.

The overall objective is for organisations in the UK and Vietnam to generate new learning and insight through the design and piloting of digital innovations which address a specific English language need within Vietnam.

We welcome action-focused responses that:

  • tackle issues of digital equity and access to education;
  • push boundaries;
  • are a catalyst for real change;
  • support post Covid-19 recovery.

We are interested in ideas that are evidence-based (for example learning from recent reports such as the World Bank curated Smart Buys), have longevity and/or the potential to be scaled up or generate learning for Vietnam and the wider South East Asia region.

For full details about the opportunity, expected outputs, deliverables, roles and responsibilities, please refer to the Call guidelines.

For further background to the project and the Vietnamese context, please refer the annexes which you can find in the Downloads section below.

Who can apply?

  • Applications must include at least one partner in the UK and one from Vietnam.
  • Applicants must be living in their respective country at the time of applying and for the duration of this project.
  • Applicants can bid for between £25,000 and £30,000 to realise their innovative idea.
  • Organisations and/or informal collectives/networks are eligible to apply but should have demonstrable experience of managing similar projects and grants.
  • Applicants must be able to demonstrate clear benefit to Vietnam and meet the ODA and gender criteria.
  • We expect applications to embed principles of equality, diversity and inclusion through their core proposal and idea.
  • Applicants will be expected to plan, design, and realise their project from April 2021 with the main activity complete by the end of March 2022.

For full eligibility criteria, please refer to the Call guidelines.

How to apply

Applications are now closed for this opportunity.