Exam Preparation Online Support is a free online platform to support students who register for Cambridge English exams with the British Council.
You can use the platform for extra exam practice at the same time as taking a preparation course or for last-minute exam revision.
It is available for students preparing for Cambridge exams - B2 First / B2 First for Schools (FCE) or C1 Advanced (CAE).
On the platform you can:
- Read expert advice and tips about how to approach each skill and the different types of questions in your exam
- Complete all the exercises or choose the parts of the exam you want to focus on
- Complete practice exercises and get instant answers with explanations for Listening, Reading and Use of English
- Analyse model answers for Speaking and Writing
- Apply different exam strategies in the practice exercises to help you to do better on each paper
- Submit two writing and two speaking answers online and get feedback from a British Council expert
- Reflect on your learning and see why you got something right or wrong
- Find links to more online expert materials from British Council and Cambridge English to help you with your exam preparation and improve your English skills further