Three young men studying before an exam

Do you want to take an English language exam or qualify as a teacher of English? We offer English language exams at all levels, from beginner to advanced, for both adults and young learners. We also offer exams in English for specific purposes, for example Business English, and for those seeking to qualify as teachers of English. 

These are offered in addition to IELTS and Aptis and some examples are listed below. 

To find out more you will need to contact the awarding body concerned and then make the arrangements with your local British Council office.

Ascentis Ascentis
Cambridge English Cambridge Assessment English 
C&G City and Guilds
ESB English Speaking Board International
IELTS International English Language Testing System
LCCI LCCI International Qualifications
Password English Language Testing Ltd
TKT Teaching Knowledge Test
TOLES Test of Legal English Skills
TCL Trinity College London