Scoring your application
Due to the significant volume of applications we expect, we will firstly read and score your response to the questions:
Question 1: Future Leaders Connect seeks to support members in making their vision for policy change a reality and this vision will be at the core of the learning on the programme. In no more than 300 words, please tell us about the global change (your policy vision) you would like to see happen and how you would use policy making to achieve this.
Top scoring applicants will provide evidence that demonstrates:
1. The change is clearly a policy change, meaning it results in widespread impact through changing or maintaining law or governing practices at governmental level (local, regional, national or international).
2. Clear example of a change that would benefit the country they are applying from
3. Outlines the potential impact/outcome/benefit
4. Understands why the change is needed, who it would affect and how
5. Suggests their involvement in making the proposed change
If you do not meet the required score/ standard in the above question response, unfortunately your application will not be considered further and your application will be rejected. If you meet the required standard in this question then the panel will go on to review your response to question two:
Question 2: In no more than 300 words, please tell us about a time that you used your leadership skills to achieve a successful outcome, ideally related to policy making.
Top scoring applicants will provide an example where:
1 Applicant can demonstrate that they achieved a successful outcome
2 Shows how their involvement led to the impact
3 The outcome or change had scale (significant impact aligned to a demonstrable outcome)
4 They used influencing skills to inspire others to engage in a project/program/activity/ vision
5 Took responsibility / accountability for the change, no matter their formal role (e.g. don’t have to be the most senior person involved, but showed leadership)
Final shortlisting
Only those who achieve the required score in the above two questions will then progress to the final stage of the shortlisting process where the final two questions (of four) will be reviewed and scored. If you are in the top scoring applications by country, the assessor panel will then consider and score your answers to the below questions:
Question 3: In no more than 150 words, please provide your biggest achievement in either your professional or voluntary experience, ideally related to policy making.
Question 4: In no more than 150 words, please tell us about any awards publications or projects which we should take into account.
Final selection in country
The final selection of successful applicants will be determined through interviews and events. The process may differ slightly in each country. In all cases this will be communicated to participants in advance and selection will be made based on a shared set of criteria. In many cases the final decision will be made by a panel of British Council representatives and possible external stakeholders. All decisions of the panel will be final and binding. We expect that between 2 and 4 successful applicants will be selected by each country.