British Council International Education Services (IES) is a global programme to support UK education providers in their international work. IES operates in over 60 countries, providing services for international student recruitment, market intelligence, and enabling the development of working relationships with institutions in-country.

Over 1,100 UK education institutions are currently engaged with IES and our website attracts over 8,000 individual users, all of whom will receive an invitation to this year’s conference. 

Helping you to achieve your objectives

  • Brand exposure – delegates will be exposed to your brand from the beginning of their conference journey via our dedicated event website and event app. Once at the conference, the exhibition area is designed to ensure maximum footfall and brand exposure for sponsors and exhibitors.
  • Relationship building – the International Education Conference allows you to meet with decision makers and budget holders from across the UK education sector. Using our appointment booking system and new event app, you will be able to arrange one-to-one appointments with delegates, send and receive messages and alert delegates to your latest news or updates.
  • Reaching new audiences – the International Education Conference attracts delegates from across the education sector, from both public and private providers, giving you the widest possible audience.
  • Be part of something big – the International Education Conference is the UK’s largest conference dedicated to international marketing and student recruitment.