
Share Programme

Inspired by the success of the Erasmus scholarship scheme in Europe, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) through SHARE is building a regional scholarship scheme for ASEAN students.

SHARE supports ASEAN’s ambition to build a regional higher education space that benefits students, universities, and societies as a whole. Through the SHARE Scholarship Programme, some 500 undergraduate students have been awarded scholarships across a number of academic disciplines. Of these scholarships, 400 were allocated for intra-ASEAN mobility and 100 for ASEAN students to study in the EU.

Students were enrolled in one of 32 universities in ASEAN, which make up the SHARE network, and chose to study at another university from the network. An integral part of SHARE scholarships is the credit transfer facility, which makes studying abroad sustainable and strengthens the regional university network.

Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam actively participated in promoting, sending and hosting students as part of the scheme. Among the 10 ASEAN countries, Myanmar sent the highest number of SHARE awardees, with 147 students to study in other ASEAN countries, while Malaysia hosted the highest number of SHARE awardees, with 82 students at four universities in the SHARE network.

The British Council and its partners are implementing the programme. For more information, visit our our website.