The British Council continue to be active in delivering international development projects worldwide. In the last three months, we signed contracts on over 25 projects – below is a brief description of a selection of them.
Key to acronyms
CSO – Civil Society Organisation
CSSF – Conflict, Stability and Security Fund
DFID – Department for International Development
EaP – Eastern Partnership
EES – English for Education System
ELT – English Language Teaching
E&S – Education and Society
FCO – Foreign and Commonwealth Office
HEI – Higher Education Institution
NAGGF – North Africa Good Governance Fund
TVET – Technical and Vocational Education and Training
Title: ELT technical expertise for curricular reform in Brazil
Country: Brazil
Client: FCO (Prosperity Fund)
Sector: EES
Value: £650,923
Length: 36 months
Description: The Brazil Programme objective is to improve equity, quality and relevance of education and promote an enabling environment for reform through ELT and transferable skills. The programme’s purpose is to equip youth with language skills where poor English is a barrier to access further education and employment. It aims to create a model for ELT that elevates language standards in Brazil, allowing social mobility and business opportunities.
Title: Active Citizens: Communitarian reincorporation for female former combatants
Country: Colombia
Client: Government of Columbia
Sector: Women and Girls
Value: £359,712
Length: 6 months
Description: According to the needs established by the Colombian National Government, this project will train 30 to 50 female former FARC combatants in 10 municipalities of Rural Colombia on two topics:
1)active citizenship and promotion of sexual and reproductive rights
2)participation in reconciliation and peaceful coexistence.
Alongside the training, there will be a practical component in which the beneficiaries are going to build a communitarian project and a consolidation of a women agenda.
Title: Scottish Government Scholarships
Country: Pakistan
Client: Government of Scotland
Sector: HEI
Value: £2,000,000
Length: 60 months
Description: This project aims to socially and economically empower Pakistani women and girls with the following desired outcomes: increased retention of girls at upper-secondary level (grades 8 – 12); increased female enrolment at undergraduate level; increased female enrolment at post-graduate level; increase in female participation in the labour force and the engagement of scholarship recipients through an alumni association.
Title: Curricular reform Croatia 3
Country: Croatia
Client: European Commission
Sector: Schools
Value: £333,521
Length: 18 months
Description: The British Council in Croatia is delivering the project to support the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education in the implementation of the curriculum reform in Croatia. The project has been carried out in two phases and is funded by the European Union via the Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS) of the European Commission.
Title: Social Cohesion and Resilience through Schools
Country: Ukraine
Client: British Embassy KievFCO (CSSF)
Sector: EES
Value: £500,000
Length: 12 months
Description: The aim of this project is to contribute to social cohesion and stability in conflict-affected communities in the east of Ukraine. The programme will be focused around the establishment of Resource Centres (RCs) in schools in these areas, as the location for after-school clubs set up are facilitated by teachers but run by young people, fostering leadership skills as well as creating fun and engaging learning and debating opportunities for children and the community. These resource centres will also act as a hub for teacher groups, providing professional and personal support for teachers, and support for outreach work including, via digital means, to sister schools in other areas, including in the temporarily occupied territories.
Title: UK-Russia Year of Music
Country: Russia
Client: FCO
Sector: Arts - Architecture, Design & Fashion
Value: £371,501
Length: 12 months
The UK-Russia Year of Music will connect people in the UK and Russia through the common language of music, aiming to create a positive impact on UK-Russia relations. Through connecting individuals and institutions, music professionals and the music industry, it aims to reach millions of Russians and contribute towards a better, mutual, cooperation in the Arts.
Title: CSSF: Enhancing English Language in the South Caucasus, Moldova and Belarus
Country: South Caucasus, Moldova and Belarus
Client: FCO (CSSF)
Sector: EES
Value: £1,501,471
Length: 36 months
Description: This project aims to enhance English language and soft skills (communication, problem solving, critical thinking and digital) in remote, disadvantaged, border and / or conflict-affected areas of EaP countries. Key activities include: establishing and developing English Clubs in schools and institutions as community language and skills hubs; establishing networks of Change Agent Teachers in inaccessible regions; enlarging use of digital to reach out to more teachers in remote communities.
Title: Supporting Greater Media Independence in the Western Balkans
Country: Western Balkans
Client: FCO (CSSF)
Sector: Governance and Civil Society
Value: £9,370,100
Length: 33 months
Description: This project aims to help address the multiple and complex challenges of the media across six Western Balkans countries. It will focus on improving the plurality and quality within the media space to develop and strengthen the editorial independence of the media, to provide citizens with a more diverse range of media content and to encourage open, informed and active discussion amongst the target audience.
Title: FCO NAGGF Schools (phase 4) 2019-20
Country: Algeria
Client: British Embassy AlgiersFCO (NAGGF)
Sector: Schools
Value: £1,450,285
Length: 12 months
Description: The Algeria North Africa Good Governance (NAGGF) Fund Programme aims to accelerate political and economic reforms, to increase wider stability and security in Algeria. It will promote a more inclusive political system, increasing engagement with formal politics; a more diversified economy with more jobs, especially for women and the young; and more responsive state/citizen interaction. This aims to reach the heart of efforts to tackle drivers of conflict, extremism, instability and terrorism across MENA and beyond.
Title: Technical and Vocational Education and Employment
Country: Libya
Client: EU Delegation to Libya
Sector: Skills
Value: £4,108,097
Length: 30 months
Description: The main objective is to enhance the availability of qualified human resources based on the demand of the labour market in order to effectively contribute to the socio-economic development of Libya. The project purpose is to improve capacity and provide quality technical and vocational education and training in Libya, where quality comprises both the excellence of the content and the relevance of the education and training to the demands in the labour market.
Title: Strategic Support Unit for the Sudan Stability & Growth programme
Country: Sudan
Client: DfID (SSGP)
Sector: Governance and Civil Society
Value: £18,000,000
Length: 36 months
Description: The Sudan Stability and Growth Programme (SSGP) aims to contribute to long term stability and poverty reduction across all of Sudan by building capacity, supporting action and reforms in these three pillars: 1: Greater macro-economic stability, inclusive economic growth, 2: improved and accountable governance, and 3:Strengthened donor-government coordination.