EU VET Toolbox in Vietnam
Strengthening the ongoing reform and effort in Vietnam to improve the quality and raise the standards of vocation education and training (VET) qualifications.
Strengthening the ongoing reform and effort in Vietnam to improve the quality and raise the standards of vocation education and training (VET) qualifications.
Aiming to empower women scientists in India to become tomorrow's leaders in STEM.
Improving outcomes for learners in Ethiopia through building capacity.
Supporting scientists in Columbia to turn coffee waste into electricity.
The English Channel is an innovative, online platform for interactive learning.
HOPES aims to improve prospects for young Syrians by providing access to higher education.
Working together to improve the quality of English language teaching in Turkey.
FameLab International aims to facilitate the cultural, scientific and technological co-operation between the UK and other countries and support a global effort in science engagement.
To build capacity among women to engage with, and act upon, issues that affect their community and political processes.
To contribute towards the reduction of violence against women and girls using football.