Through the Public Sector Capacity Building Phase II project, we helped facilitate Croatia’s accession to the European Union by supporting the modernisation and realignment of the country’s public administration to meet European Union requirements.
Using an integrated, sector-wide approach, we worked with several ministries to deliver sustainable change through capacity building, training and organisational development.
Improved financial management
A common methodology for strategic financial planning was developed. A training scheme was established to enable line ministry staff to produce strategic plans, and workshops and courses were delivered to strategic planning workgroups. An institutional framework was also created to ensure the training scheme is sustained and developed in the future.
Training in financial management and control
A comprehensive financial management and control training curriculum was developed and training was delivered to 247 public administration workers, 48 of whom are now qualified to deliver the curriculum as trainers, with oversight from the Central Finance and Contracting Agency.
Public administration reform
The Ministry of Public Administration was assisted in finalising preparations for the implementation of the new General Administrative Procedures Act through the alignment of administrative procedures with European Union standards and the simplification of administrative proceedings.
Human resources development
A Civil Service Human Resource Development Strategy was established, and pilot ministries were assisted in implementing an action plan. Seminars and courses on change management, recruitment, strategic planning and organisational development were delivered to ministry staff.
‘Such well-targeted assistance leading to significant development, movement and change in a short period of time is very rare.’
Ivan Suker, Former Minister of Finance, Croatia