English without Borders is a strategy developed by the British Council that seeks to strengthen the learning of English of students through a virtual English course with an intensity of between 4 and 6 hours per week. The classes are led with a predominantly communicative, participatory, and student-centred approach. The British Council has implemented the English without Borders program since 2021. During its first year, it was offered to students from public schools in Bogotá. In 2022, the program was extended and was offered to students in public schools in the cities of Barranquilla, Bogotá, and Bucaramanga. In 2023, it focused again on public school students in Bogotá and opened two new lines for adults. The first one was for public school English, primary, and high school teachers who were interested in either strengthening or learning English. The second one, which is of interest to the attached executive summary, named Todos a la U, was for adults who live in the city of Bogotá and are interested in strengthening or learning English while also attending technical training in one of four Universities in the city. This last project was designed and implemented for the Agencia Distrital par ala Educación Superior, la Ciencia y la Tecnología (ATENEA).