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Are you passionate about sustainability?

The University of Edinburgh and Learning for Sustainability Scotland, in partnership with the British Council, have created two free short online courses on Coursera which will give you the chance to join a global professional and personal learning journey towards a sustainable future.

Learning for a sustainable future: Live at COP29 (starting 11 November)

It will run during the United Nations COP29 Climate Change Conference which takes place in Baku, Azerbaijan from 11 November to 22 November 2024. This two-week course shows you what COP29 is, why it’s so important, and gives you the chance to reflect personally and with others on how you can take personal and local action towards  a sustainable future.

Throughout the course, we will share ‘live’ insights into the issues being discussed at COP29, as well as responses to the conference themes from children, young people, community groups, and government bodies worldwide. Using these as conversation starters, we'll encourage you to reflect on what you have heard, watched and read, and think about what these conversations and issues mean to you. 

Course content from Live at COP29 will remain open, free and accessible as a legacy resource for school, community and individual use after the conference concludes. 

Find out more

The British Council is actively participating in COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, with initiatives addressing urgent climate challenges. Our focus is on empowering youth and fostering meaningful discussions on the role of arts, culture, and education in driving climate action. See our full COP29 programme of activities here.

 Learning for a Sustainable Future (starting 7 October):

It is a five-week course with a focus on sustainability education and learning; supporting those who want to bring some of the activities and issues covered into their own educational practice. Taking a personalised issue-based approach, you’ll learn more about current global issues and consider how we can all respond, personally or collectively. You’ll explore values and work with others to examine the ways in which local action can be taken on global-scale problems. Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss and share ideas, perspectives, and teaching and learning approaches as a part of the course community. Working in this way, starting from where you are, within your own context and educational spaces - and sharing this with others throughout the course - helps us to move towards a new and collective way of thinking and acting for a sustainable future. 

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