There’s a great skill to speaking a modern foreign language confidently and coherently. It’s an important part of the MFL curriculum across the United Kingdom and a significant part of linguistic and cultural development for all learners of languages.
It’s also great fun to get your tongue around those different words like Kühlschrank, chatouillement or felicidad!
Each February we hold a festival of language when your students can show off their language skills. This can be a language they are learning at school or one they speak in their community. It’s about sharing a love of language and celebrating the diversity of people in the UK who speak a language other than English.
The festival is managed on behalf of the National Consortium for Languages Education (NCLE) by the British Council, working in collaboration with the Association for Language Learning (ALL) . It is open to all primary and secondary schools.
How do you join our festival?
Practise and celebrate a language your students are learning or use in their community, and take part in a virtual festival of speaking which runs from 1 - 28 February!
It’s easy to take part, simply:
- Ask your student(s) to prepare a short poem, presentation, sketch or dialogue in their favourite language. This can be a solo or joint performance but should be no longer than 90 seconds in total.
- Record them delivering the performance. We suggest that under-16s use PowerPoint slides, Bitmoji, images or video, rather than showing their faces.
- Upload the performance to your own or your school’s X account with the hashtags #CelebrateSpeaking and the language chosen (e.g. #Polish).
Remember to use the hashtag or we won’t be able to find your performance!
Get inspiration from some entries from last year by searching X with #Celebrate Speaking, watch our short introduction video below or got to our YouTube channel to see videos of the 10 finalists from our live event in 2024.