Compliance and governance

Ensuring quality through Accreditation UK

Accreditation UK is dedicated to guaranteeing the quality of English Language teaching for international students in the UK. Through rigorous external inspections, we ensure that accredited centres meet the high standards set by the scheme.

Compliance and standards

To maintain British Council accreditation, centres must:

  • Uphold high standards of service in line with Scheme requirements, contributing to the reputation of UK English language teaching
  • Promote and protect the Accreditation UK name
  • Assist in providing alternative courses at no extra cost if a nearby accredited provider closes suddenly
  • Undergo re-inspection every four years
  • Inform us of significant changes, such as a change in premises or key staff
  • Pay their annual fee and submit an annual declaration along with promotional materials
  • Respond to complaints and cooperate with the complaints process
  • Operate with integrity and professionalism

How do we monitor standards

  • Accredited centres are subject to a full inspection every four years.
  • An annual declaration allows us to monitor significant changes that may trigger a spot-check inspection.
  • Additionally, a random selection of centres undergoes unannounced interim inspections each year.

Consequences of failing to meet standards

If a centre fails to meet any of the five section standards during an inspection, its accreditation status is placed under review and in severe cases, withdrawn immediately.

The centre has a set period to address identified weaknesses if placed under review. Failure to do so will result in the loss of accreditation.

Centres have the right to appeal if accreditation is denied after an inspection. Review the appeals procedure.

Grounds for removal of accreditation

Accreditation may also be revoked due to:

  • Failure to undergo re-inspection when required
  • Inaccurate or false statements on application or in annual declarations
  • Failure to notify the British Council of significant changes
  • Changes that make the centre ineligible for accreditation
  • Misleading users into believing non-accredited services are accredited
  • Non-payment of fees
  • Verified complaints against the centre
  • Suspension of accreditation

Governance of the scheme

The authority to grant or withdraw accreditation is vested in the Joint Chairs of the Accreditation Scheme Board. The Executive Board and the Accreditation Scheme Advisory Committee (ASAC) guide this process, both of which play crucial roles in ensuring the Scheme’s integrity and effectiveness.

Executive Board

The Executive Board meets quarterly and is composed of the following members:

  • Voting Members:
    • British Council: Mike Welch (Chair), Alison Devine, Jenny Simms
    • English UK: Jodie Gray (Chair), Andrew Hjort, Mark Rendell
  • Non-Voting Members:
    • Jacqueline Gresham, Chair of the Accreditation Scheme Advisory Committee
    • Liz McLaren, Manager of Accreditation UK (Secretary)

Additionally, a member of the Accreditation Unit attends all Board meetings. The Board’s primary responsibility is to act in the general interests of the Scheme, its members, and their students. The Board may also invite others to attend meetings (non-voting) as needed.

Accreditation Scheme Advisory Committee (ASAC)

The ASAC meets at least six times a year and has up to 14 voting members. The board selects these members, who include representatives from accredited ELT centres in the state and private sectors and experts in English language teaching, student welfare, and educational evaluation.

ASAC  Responsibilities Include:

  • Reviewing inspectors’ reports and making recommendations to the Executive Board on whether to grant, continue, or withdraw accreditation for both new applicants and existing members.
  • Advising on the timing and frequency of inspections.
  • Assessing cases of doubtful eligibility for the Scheme.
  • Ordering full inspections or spot checks when necessary, including cases identified by the Accreditation UK Manager.
  • Addressing any factual inaccuracies found in inspection reports.

ASAC Members:

  • Chair: Jacqueline Gresham
  • Private Sector ELT Management: Mark Greenow (British Summer School), Mary Shipley (Discovery Summer), Simon Dooley (CES Worthing), Celine Aloe (UK Language Courses - UKLC), Gillian Davidson (EC Group), Patrick O'Donoghue (Stafford House Canterbury), Michael Glen-Kerr (ALPADIA Language Schools / Kaplan), Helen Lunney (Celtic English Academy)
  • FE/HE ELT Management: Rachel Connabeer (Hilderstone College), Melanie Jarman (University of Worcester), Sue Lavender (University of Chichester)

Non-Voting Attendees:

  • Huan Japes, English UK
  • Liz McLaren, Manager, Accreditation UK
  • Alison Tudor, Assistant Manager, Accreditation UK (Secretary)
  • Senior Inspectors (George Pickering or Rhona Hodgart)
  • Sharon Stoneham, Accreditation UK (Minutes)

This governance structure ensures that the Accreditation Scheme operates with transparency, integrity, and professionalism, maintaining the high standards expected by international students and the wider educational community.