We are currently facilitating a number of programmes around the world. The list below is a sample of just a few. If you would like more information on these or our other programmes, please email general.enquiries@britishcouncil.org
Youth empowerment network, Myanmar
On this project, we created a learning ecosystem between selected NFE-specializing Civil Society organisations in conflict-affected areas of Myanmar and partner community educators.
Youth leaders programme, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka
This contributes to developing skills for young people and young leaders.
Youth action for inclusive communities, Ethiopia and Nigeria
This programme works to strengthen youth-focused inclusive communities and peace initiatives by providing skills such as creativity, critical thinking, digital literacy, communication, collaboration and advocacy to young people.
Digital steps for community resilience strengthening, Syria and Yemen
The programme works to strengthen youth-focused local initiatives by providing digital, community development and project management skills to young people working in media.
Engaging young people in technical and vocational education, Sudan
The programme looks to engage young people in more effective and inclusive technical and vocational education (TVET) by providing opportunities for young people to develop their soft business skills for job creation. This supports and strengthens youth-focused groups to build their advocacy, research, communications and skills and helps to reduce employment gaps and enhance employment opportunities.
Stronger together for social cohesion, several EU countries
This project has delivered events for young people to discuss policy and define social cohesion in a cluster of EU countries, including Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Latvia and Lithuania.
Youth media for environmental solutions, Western Balkans
On this programme, we worked with youth media outlets and environmental Civil Society organisations (CSOs) to amplify youth voices and awareness on environmental issues. Our aim was to produce high quality environmental and gender sensitive solutions with young people. The programme was delivered in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia and, as of March 2023, is now coming to a close.
Skills for Inclusive Digital Participation
Skills for Inclusive Digital Participation (SIDP) creates opportunities for digitally excluded individuals to develop the skills they need to participate fully in the digital economy and in wider society by providing skills training and information on relevant opportunities. The project is currently running in Indonesia, Kenya and Nigeria. If you want to find out more, please visit Skills for Inclusive Digital Participation | British Council
Investment Climate Reform Facility
The Investment Climate Reform (ICR) Facility supports public and private stakeholders in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries to improve their investment climate and business environment. To find out more, please visit Investment Climate Reform (ICR) Facility | British Council.