A collaboration between the British Council and MetaMetrics
The British Council Assessment Research Group recently became British Council English Language Research with a broader research focus and remit. Following our expansion in scope from language assessment to laguage teaching, learning and assessment, we are currently reviewing our approach to our research Grants and Awards. The timeline and focus will be different to previous years, and as soon as further information is available, we will share this here.
If you would like to be notified when new information is availble or get regular updates on our work, please submit your interest here: ellarg@britishcouncil.org
The Grants are intended to provide a body of validity evidence which can contribute to the validation of the Lexile Framework for Reading and EFL reading assessment instruments, such as the Aptis test system developed by the British Council and other British Council test development projects. The aim of the Grants is to build insights into the interaction between features of text and reading tasks that impact comprehension and can inform teaching, learning and assessment and evaluation. The projects sponsored by the Grants will contribute to improving the application, use and interpretation of these instruments in learning, teaching and evaluation.
Projects will generally be 12-18 months in duration but, in exceptional circumstances, projects lasting up to 24 months will also be considered.
Reports produced by research teams previously awarded a Research into Reading Grant can be viewed here: www.britishcouncil.org/exam/aptis/research/publications/rirgs.
Who can apply?
Suitably qualified individuals who are attached to Educational institutions eligible to receive research grant funding (see below) are invited to apply as Principal Investigators to undertake applied research projects of relevance to the areas of interest outlined below.
Please note that regardless of the geographical location of applicants and regardless of where the actual research will take place, all contracts for research projects issued by the British Council are subject to the laws of England and Wales; this is non-negotiable.
The Principal Investigator must be associated with an educational institution or recognised research organisation, similar in standing to the institutions recognised by UKRI.
Financial support
The Research into Reading Grants support researchers around the world in conducting and disseminating the highest quality research.
The financial support for individual projects will, in principle, be limited to a maximum of £20,000, although it is expected that projects requesting financial support in the region of £13,000 to £18,000 will be most positively considered.
Is access to student or text Lexile measures available?
Aptis scores and Lexile reading measures for research purposes are available by working with the British Council to administer Aptis. Lexile text measures for research purposes are available by working with MetaMetrics to measure the complexity of the text. For more information on Lexile reading or text measures, visit: www.lexile.com.
Research proposals that leverage the benefits of reader ability assessment through the Aptis test and text complexity measurement through Lexile, and integrate these, will be prioritised.
The Research into Reading Grants support researchers around the world in conducting and disseminating the highest quality research.
Key areas of interest from 2023 are listed below.