Aptis Technical Manual V2.2 cover

Barry O'Sullivan, Jamie Dunlea, Richard Spiby, Carolyn Westbrook, and Karen Dunn. Version 2.2 updated 2020 by the British Council Assessment Research Group and Global Assessments. This manual describes the content and technical properties of Aptis General, the standard English language assessment product offered within the Aptis test system, and a description of the other main Aptis variants. The Aptis test system was developed by the British Council, which works directly with organisations to provide tests of English as a Second Language / English as a Foreign Language (ESL/EFL) for a range of assessment needs. The primary audience is test users who need to determine if a test within the system is appropriate to help them make decisions regarding the English language ability of individuals. This manual provides information on:

  • the theoretical framework which has shaped the development of the Aptis test system,
  • the content of the main Aptis test variants,
  • how the Aptis test is scored,
  • the technical measurement properties of the Aptis General test, such as reliability.

The manual is also intended to be useful for researchers and language testing specialists who want to examine the validity of the test. It is not intended as a guide to test preparation for test takers or teachers and trainers preparing others to take the test, although some of the material may be useful for the latter group. Information for these groups is provided separately in the form of a Candidate Guide and other support materials such as online practice tests.