DICE Collaboration Grants were awarded to six intermediary organisations in Indonesia and their respective partner organisations in the UK.

Each of these pairs of DICE Collaborators drew on the grants to co-design and implement initiatives aiming to reduce economic and social exclusion by supporting creative and social enterprises that seek to reduce gender inequality, youth unemployment and other barriers to opportunity.  

The organisations which received these grants are: 

  • Disability Empowerment Centre - DEC (Indonesia) and Red Ochre (UK)
    This project is aimed at economically empowering entrepreneurs with disabilities by increasing their business capacity and skills so that the quality of products can be such that they are sold in a competitive market and not bought out of pity. 
  • The Ketemu Project (Indonesia) and Arts Development Company (UK)
    These collaborating organisations set out to change the perceptions of the public and increase awareness around disability issues by supporting disabled artists and inclusive and creative enterprises by equipping them with artistic and business development skills. 
  • Nalitari (Indonesia) and Epic Arts (UK)
    This unique project is a collaborative journey of transforming a donation-based inclusive space to a social enterprise, where disabled members of community come to socialise and express their creativity through dance. 
  • Platform Usaha Sosial - PLUS (Indonesia) and Social Enterprise Academy - SEA (UK)
    These organisations came together to use their expertise, local knowledge and connections to deliver comprehensive learning and development for Indonesian creative and social entrepreneur spread over a number of islands. 
  • Social Innovation Accelerator Program - SIAP (Indonesia) and Social Value UK (UK)
    This project supports social enterprises in Indonesia to understand the impact of their businesses by measuring and assessing the non-financial returns that they generate. Quantifying the positive social changes their work is bringing to society can foster growth and sustainability. 
  • Think Web (Indonesia) and Birmingham Open Media (UK)
    Realising the importance of women participation in social and economic development of the country, this project aims to boost women social and creative entrepreneurs so more and more women can set up and run their own businesses. 

Find out more about these creative and inspirational projects in the case studies below.

See also