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DICE Collaboration Grants were awarded to five intermediary organisations in South Africa and their respective UK partner organisations. 

Each of these pairs of DICE Collaborators drew on the grants to co-design and implement initiatives aiming to reduce economic and social exclusion by supporting creative and social enterprises that seek to reduce gender inequality, youth unemployment and other barriers to opportunity.  

The organisations which received these grants are: 

  • Maker's Valley (South Africa) and Real Ideas Organisation (UK) 
    Playing their part in reviving East Johannesburg's decayed locality, these partners worked together to offer training, mentorship and seed funding to wormen and youth who have been previously excluded from mainstream economic opportunities.
  • Hands of Honor (South Africa) and MINCA Ventures (UK) 
    This three-part project focused on empowering vulerable and socially excluded communities, including drug addicts and homeless people, by training them on recycling or upcycling waste and encouraging the creation of upcycling-based social enterprises. The project has also developed a massive open online course (known as a MOOC) so that other communities around the world can learn how to develop and run upcycling enterprises.
  • Dreamcatcher Foundation (South Africa) and University of Brighton (UK) 
    With the aim of ensuring sustainable livelihoods for the residents of Melkhoutfontein, a small town that has suffered from high rates of unemployment and pollution, these partners have been running training programmes to encourage the development of small crafting businesses working on up-cycling of local waste. 
  • BRNWSH (South Africa) and Hackney Cooperatives Development - HCD (UK) 
    With the aim of ensuring sustainable livelihoods and improved living conditions for domestic workers, this project worked with 26 women to launch their own creative and social enterprises by providing mentorship, coaching and netwroking as well as developing a free-to-use online toolkit. 
  • Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs - ANDE (South Africa) and Social Value UK (UK) 
    This project focused on introducing the concept of Impact Measurement and Management (IMM) to 50 South African intermediary organisations, eventually cascading to 400 social and creative enterprises, especially to marginalised groups and women. 

Find out more about these innovative and impactful projects in the case studies below.

See also