Sharing an assistant with other institutions can bring the benefits of having a speaker of a chosen modern language in the classroom while minimising the cost. It also means schools, colleges and universities can take part even if they can only offer a small number of hours per week.
Sharing an assistant can also be an excellent way to forge links with other institutions.
How it works
A modern language assistant can be shared between a maximum of three institutions, with the exception of French language assistants who are permitted to work in up to six primary schools in England, Northern Ireland and Wales.
Language assistants may deliver some of their hours online to facilitate the sharing arrangement. Details of this must be clearly defined in the offer letter.
Travel arrangements between the institutions should be reasonable. Where language assistants are required to work at different institutions on the same day, the employer should cover the costs of travel.
In some special cases, there may be more flexible sharing arrangements. Contact us to find out more.
If you are interested to share a language assistant with another institution, follow the link to complete an Expression of interest form
Expression of interest in sharing arrangements
We will then add your details to our interactive sharing arrangements map and other nearby institutions may contact you to explore the opportunity to host a language assistant together. You can also use this map to find nearby institutions who you may be able to share a language assistant with.
Sharing arrangements map
Our interactive map includes the names and contact details of institutions across the UK who have applied to host a Modern Language Assistant so far and who have consented to their details being shared for sharing arrangement enquiries.
It also includes details of any institutions who have complete our expression of interest form linked above. The map has been organised by language for your convenience.
If you require any assistance in contacting a school, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us. Click on the following link to view the Sharing arrangements map.
Application process
You will only need to complete one application on behalf of the group sharing each of the language assistants. The lead host institution should submit the application.
The application form allows you to include details on the sharing arrangements and the mentor teacher in each institution.
Applications to host a modern language assistant in 2025-26 open on 26 February 2025 and close on 30 April 2025. Applications to host a Chinese Language Assistant will close on 2 April 2025. From 26 February 2025, you will be able to submit an application through our online portal.
How will they be paid?
When sharing a language assistant, the lead institution is responsible for paying the language assistant. Other institutions in the partnership will need to reimburse the lead school directly. As part of the application, the lead host institution must confirm that all schools have the necessary funding in place for the full period of appointment of the language assistant. It is therefore the lead host institution’s responsibility to verify this prior to submitting the request.