Ever wondered what it's like to be part of the UN climate negotiations? Why not find out, by organising a simulation climate summit at your school? 

The World Climate Simulation game, from Climate Interactive, is an in-person, role-playing activity that lets students see what it's really like to be a part of the UN climate change negotiations, by exploring the speed and level of action nations must take to address global climate change.

Led by a facilitator in the role of a UN leader, students act as delegates representing different nations, and work through rounds of negotiations to propose climate pledges. Perfect as a face-to-face or online activity, you can work with as few as eight students, and up to 50 or more!

For inspiration, watch the video above to see highlights from simulation climate summit events the British Council organised in London and Belfast, featuring around 170 students!

Work with a partner school to take the discussion global

The World Climate Simulation is the perfect activity to link up with an international partner school – and take the discussion global! Will you reach the same conclusions? Or will you give each other new perspectives on the climate debate? 

To help you find an international partner, join our Schools Connect Partner Finder – a database of hundreds of schools around the world all looking for partnerships.

We’ve also got plenty of guidance to help you get started and make the most of your partnership.