A year as a Language Assistant gives students the opportunity to develop transferrable skills that will make their CV stand out from the crowd. Teaching opportunities are available in 10 destinations and students do not always need a formal language qualification or teaching experience to become a Language Assistant.


Applications for 2025-26 closed on 30 January and the reference deadline was 13 February. Applications for 2026-27 will open in autumn 2025. 

For up-to-date programme information, please visit the programme website

Getting involved

In the sections below, you will find an outline of what universities are required to do to support your students to take part in the programme.


The application process is all online unless there are medical reasons that might prevent them from doing so. Such a case should be discussed with the British Council before the candidate starts the application process. 

For any applicants who may have support requirements, we ask them to provide as much information as possible in their application to allow us and our partners to find them a post which is best suited to their needs. Applicants should be aware that it is not always possible for our partners to accommodate all requests.

All nominated tutors and referees will receive a reference form in automated email format once the applicant has completed and submitted their application form.

References will ONLY be accepted via this automated email and should not be completed using any other method.

Referees will be asked to confirm the applicant’s name and course details, confirm their level of English, comment on their proficiency in the language of the destination to which they have applied, and rate and comment on their academic performance and suitability for the role of an English Language Assistant.  


If requested, the British Council can provide updates to university departments regarding the progress of the candidates’ applications.

When students have been accepted onto the programme, referees should help them to prepare for their placement.

All candidates will go through roughly the same application process and will receive very similar information. The timing of video interviews, matching meetings, confirmation emails and pre-departure information packs, however, varies from one  destination to another.

Applicants to non-EU destinations (Argentina, Canada, Colombia and France Outre-mer) will be asked to complete a video assessment. The assessment is designed to test, among other aspects, students' motivation, enthusiasm and adaptability. Students should be encouraged to prepare for these as much as possible.

When students return

Returning students have the chance to take part in the Language Assistants Ambassadors programme, to promote the opportunity and pass on guidance to future Language Assistants. A webinar for successful Language Assistant Ambassadors is held each September to provide information on the programme and how to promote it in their university. The Ambassador role can be online and/or in person where possible, with selected ambassadors participating in promotional presentations, self-led activity and development webinars.  

This is a great opportunity for students to pass on their experiences and could lead to future employment opportunities, so they should be encouraged to take part wherever possible.

We are always keen to receive feedback on the programme. If you have any comments or questions, please email us on LanguageAssistants.UK@BritishCouncil.org.