Group shot of Deep Dialogues participants
March 2024 Deep Dialogues participants oustide of Edinburgh Napier UNiversity, Scotland

Scalable and sustainable internationalisation and transnational education

Our March 2024 Deep Dialogues event brought together more than 120 delegates and speakers from the UK and 34 other countries in Scotland, to discuss local and global priorities and challenges around internationalisation and transnational education (TNE).

Delivered in partnership with Eccits, and hosted by Edinburgh Napier University, the four-day event gave higher education stakeholders from around the world the chance to learn from each other and collaboratively explore strategies to build more equitable, sustainable and scalable models of internationalisation and TNE in the future.

Keynote speakers included Hans de Wit, Emeritus Professor and Distinguished Fellow at the Centre for International Higher Education, Boston College and Dr Francisco Marmolejo, President of Higher Education at the Qatar Foundation.

The event also drew upon, and will feed into, the British Council’s recently-launched transnational education strategy

Session topics:

  • The global context of international higher education
  • Launch of the British Council’s Global Framework for Transnational Education
  • Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications for Higher Education
  • Emerging and future trends of transnational education
  • The role of education rubs
  • Transnational education and eaulity, diversity and inclusion
  • Transnational education: the UK context

Download the event report below