Dakchyata is a TVET Practical Partnership programme, funded by the European Union and implemented by the British Council and the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) over the course of four years, that contributed to Nepal's inclusive and sustainable growth through investment in human capital and the creation of better employment opportunities.     

The aim of the programme was to strengthen and implement a more effective and responsive to the labour market needs TVET policy, and to pilot an integrated Public-Private-Partnership approach in three economic sectors that offer opportunity for promoting the transition to a greener and climate resilient economy (tourism, construction and agriculture).

Dakchyata programme was implemented in Nepal in the period March 2017 - December 2022, with a budget of €14m. 

Read more in the Executive Summary of the Final report and the Summary of the Results.

View the Dakchyata’s Learning Hub - it explores policy and learning documentation related to the private-public partnerships for TVET education.

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