The British Council delivers projects focusing on cities and human settlements, contributing to making them more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Of particular relevance is target 11.4, which seeks to strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage. Our work empowers communities to care for and benefit from their heritage and encourages citizens to engage with public spaces.

Examples of British Council Programmes which contribute to Goal 11:

Case study: The Cultural Protection Fund

SDG 11 – Cities, also contributing to SDG 4 - Education, SDG 5 - Gender, SDG 8 – Decent Work, SDG 10 - Equality, SDG 16 – Peace and SDG 17 - Partnership.

The £60m Cultural Protection Fund is a global programme funded by Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). It aims to protect cultural heritage at risk due to conflict or climate change, whilst creating opportunities for social and economic development. Work in these areas gives individuals the skills to manage and promote cultural assets, and gives local people an understanding of heritage, how it can be protected, and the role it plays in society and the economy. 

Activities such as vocational training, educational programmes and the targeted inclusion of women and minorities build capacity, create shared understanding, and contribute to economic and social development. 

The Fund has awarded over £29m to 149 projects to date, encouraging partnerships between universities, non-governmental organisations, cultural institutions, and heritage stakeholders.